Section I.
Name and Objectives
1. The name of this organization shall be the INTRODUCED FISH SECTION of the American Fisheries Society as provided for in the Constitution, Rules and Procedures of the Society. In this context the name introduced fish is taken to include fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and other aquatic organisms regulated by fisheries legislation or affecting the well-being of the fisheries resources.
2. In addition to the objectives of the Society as set forth in Article I of the Constitution, the objectives of the Introduced Fish Section are to:
(a) Develop and maintain an association of persons interested and involved in the use of introduced fish and other aquatic organisms;
(b) Coordinate and develop programs to advance the knowledge and concerns related to introduced species;
(c) Provide a forum for identifying and bringing attention to bear on the beneficial and potentially harmful impacts of introduced species;
(d) Encourage communication among scientists, administrators, managers, educators, aquaculturists and others interested in introduced species;
(e) Assist federal, state and private groups in making informed decisions on introduction of species; and
(f) Advise private industry in developing procedures for the safe handling of introduced species intended for closed system maintenance and culture.