Section IX. Bylaws and Rules

Section IX.
Bylaws and Rules

1.  Bylaws take precedence over all other rules and procedures of the Section. Section bylaws cannot be suspended and cannot be changed without prior notice to members.

(a) Section bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority of Active Members choosing to vote, provided that the proposed amendment(s) are circulated in writing to the membership at least 30 days prior to voting.

(b) In accordance with the Society Constitution, an adopted amendment shall be reviewed by the Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules and Procedures of the Society. The Constitutional Consultant presents the adopted amendment to the Society Governing Board for approval.

(c) Amendments take effect when the Section receives written notice of their approval by the Governing Board from the Executive Director.

2. Rules facilitate the conduct of Section business, and describe duties and responsibilities of officers and committees. They may be suspended or amended as follows:

(a) The Rules may be suspended during an Executive Committee meeting until the next annual or special Section meeting by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Committee.

(b) The Rules may be suspended for the duration of a meeting by a 2/3 majority of Active Members voting at an annual or special Section meeting.

(c) The Rules may be amended by a simple majority of Active Members voting at an annual or special Section meeting.