2015 IFS Symposium
Introduced Fish Symposium – Portland 2015
Working with Partners Across Large Landscapes: AIS Technology, Outreach and Management
Sponsored By: Introduced Fish Section
Once aquatic invasive species (AIS) become established, large aquatic ecosystems offer these organisms the potential to spread over great distances and vast areas extending well beyond typical jurisdictional boundaries to adjacent states, provinces and nations. Working with multiple governmental, academic, tribal, environmental and private entities can present both challenges and opportunities for AIS prevention, control and management activities. This session seeks to bring together agencies and groups involved in AIS management activities in large aquatic ecosystems that span multiple governmental jurisdictions. Having a consistent and effective message, establishing common goals, and leveraging lean resources are paramount when working with AIS in the Great Lakes, large river systems or on an ocean coast. Over time, changing political and agency leadership and agency staff can in itself create new challenges. Varying regulations and perspectives amongst agencies, countries and the public further complicate the mosaic. In this symposium speakers will share how these challenges are being addressed, and identify new approaches for collaboration, cooperation, technologies and methodologies for AIS management and control.
Pam Fuller , Phil Moy and Becky Cudmore
Pam Fuller
Email: [email protected]Phil Moy
Email: [email protected]Becky Cudmore
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]Phil Moy
Email: [email protected]Becky Cudmore
Email: [email protected]